Is Jesus First In Your Life?

Is Jesus first in your life or last?  Is He the most important person or just another friend?  Is Jesus the apple of your eye?  When you think of all the people in your life is He at the top of the list?  Can you honestly say that out of all the things in your life, Jesus Christ is the one thing you can’t live without?

In a world where burning books, and building Mosques, and economic distress is taking center stage values can be lost.  With unemployment rising, with taxes rising, with fear rising, with hopelessness rising, you need someone you can turn too and lean on.

In a world of relativity and tolerance you need to establish at least one absolute principle.  With the erosion of morality, and escalation of abominations you need someone you can trust in.  Jesus is that someone.

Jesus said that without him you could do nothing, but with him you could do all things.  Jesus declared that he was the only way, truth and life and if any man comes unto him in no way would he be cast out.  Jesus said you would not be popular if you loved him, but you would be powerful.  The choice is before you.

Many people are ashamed to say Jesus is their Saviour, to speak of him among their co-workers, or to lift him up when others are tearing him down.  Jesus said if you deny me, I will deny you, but if you lift me up I will lift you up. Let’s lift him up everyday and let the world know He is the only way.

So back to my question, Is Jesus First in your Life.?  I develop a short test to help you determine the range of your relationship with him.

How often do you talk to him?

How often do you read the letters he has left for you?

How often do you attend the place where He meets His people?

How often do you do something for him?

How often do you tell him you love him?

We all have people we love and we like being with them.  Often life places distance between Families members.  You know how it feels when you can’t see them or be around them like you want to.  You have to take advantage of those moments and build as many memories as possible.

But, with Jesus things are different.  He is close at all times.  He is never on vacation, never too tired, never too busy.  He is always ready to receive you, to spend time with you, or meet with you. With it being so easy to reach him, we should take advantage of it more.

Putting Jesus first is making sure that you make time for him.  It means that nothing in your life displaces him.  It means that you never lose sight of him.  When you put Jesus first you find yourself doing better, getting ahead, and being filled with greater peace and less despair.

When you put Jesus first you find him pushing you forward, helping you up, and giving you the courage to keep going.  Jesus will not settle for second place in our life.  So we must fight to keep him first.

When Jesus is first, your are first.  When Jesus is first your life is full of peace.  When Jesus is first, you are able to endure hardships, and difficulties more easily.

So if he is not first, push him to the front of the line.  If he his first keep him there and enjoy the privileges it brings.  With so many things trying to defeat us, destroy us or discourage us, it is comforting to know Jesus is number 1.

Pastor Leon Wallace

Published in: on September 11, 2010 at 4:19 pm  Leave a Comment